The Grand Strategium

Join the TGS-500 - Weekday 40k fun! 1 hour games, Prizes and more!

Army Submission:

Please ensure to submit your army as a .json file export from new recruit or a PDF from battle scribe.

Ensure your exported army has a name, and is within the 500 point limit.

If you don't want to submit 2 lists, you can submit the same one twice. This will probably hamper you ability to play some games

Your submission will be checked and you'll receive an email confirming your two lists are valid. If the list is invalid you'll be asked to submit another directly via email.

Closing date for submissions is Friday 5th April. With the first games expected to happen that week!

TGS-500 Registration

Thanks for showing interest in our newest league!

You'll receive an email after submission with links to rules, and link to the TGS500 Whatsapp group.

Please fill the form in, and pay the entry fee. Any problems you can reach the store on

Refunds will be issued at the discretion of TGS

Please upload your army as a .json exported from new recruit or a PDF from battle scribe

Or use the text boxes to copy and past your army list from Battlescribe.

Select the Amount above to cover the prize pool and admin.

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my contact details, I agree to receive messages from the business related to the TGS500 league. (Booking notifications, Game request notifications, Updates)

The Grand Strategium LTD, Registered in England and Wales 14873364.
Copyright 2024 The Grand Strategium LTD all rights reserved.

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